
Video: Judith Ziegenthaler
children and teenagers
art lovers
Course - program
Autumn & Winter 2024/25
Here you can find our course programme for August 2024 to February 2025.
If you are interested in something, you can register by emailing with your name, address and the offer you would like to take part in.
We also offer customised projects, birthdays for adults and children and workshops for groups on request.
Interested? Just click on an offer and go directly to the description of the course...
From the fibre to the paper
6 pm - 8:30 pm
Open Workshop - evening
7 pm - 10 pm
Monotype - Saturday
10 am - 4 pm
Lithography from stone
10:00 am - 1:30 pm
Monotype - evening
8:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Books, Boxes and Paper
7 pm - 8:30 pm
6 pm - 7:30 pm
Open Workshop - evening
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Open Workshop - evening
7 pm - 10 pm
Course - program
Autumn & Winter 2024/25
Von der Faser zum Papier*
Mondays from 6 pm to 8:30 pm
1. Introduction to papermaking | 07.10. - 28.10. (4 dates)
From making the pulp, to scooping, to pressing and storing the paper - all of this is done by our hands. In this course we will learn various paper-making techniques and the most important basics of papermaking.
2. from plant to fibre | 18.11. - 09.12. (4 dates)
How is a sheet of paper made from a plant? In short: boil fibres, beat fibres and make a thin transparent paper. Together we make the famous Japanese paper.
3. Pulp painting (painting and drawing with fibres) | 06.01. - 27.01.(4 dates)
Paper is not just an image carrier. Fibres can also be used as a painting tool. Scooping, pouring, spraying - with these methods we can create attractive pictures from paper pulp.
4. Papercasting (three-dimensional objects) | 03.02. - 24.02.(4 dates)
Have you heard of paper sculptures? In this course we will transform the paper mass into a three-dimensional form.
Workshop leader: Ana Pireva
* The course is suitable for adults and young people aged 16 and over.
60€ x 4 + Material = 240€ + 50€ Material

Foto : Ana Pireva
Open Workshop - evening
Monday* from 7 pm to 10 pm
The open workshop evening will be organised on a long-term basis so that everyone can pursue their own project. If you have taken a course for a specific technique, you can also use the machines, tools and materials during this time.
As not many people will have attended our courses at the beginning, there will be a different workshop each time from 19 August to 16 December. Let yourself be surprised and look forward to: Getting to know different book bindings, building boxes, working with paper fibre and papier-mâché, and getting to know different printing techniques.
If you already know your way around or just need a short introduction to the workshop to start working on your project - this is also the right time
15€ per evening + Material
Foto : Sarah Steuer
every third friday in the month | 6 pm - 7:30 pm
kurzerhand takes place once a month on Fridays. Each workshop has a new theme and you can bind a sketchbook or carve a stamp with a fun motif in 1.5 hours. So bring your friends along and spend a creative evening at erlenwerk.
23.08. | carving stamps for your next Party
20.09. | binding a sketchbook
18.10. | monotype - Postcards
22.11. | binding a presentation - folder
20.12. | boxes for presents
17.01. | making masks
​Workshop leader: Sarah Steuer
* The course is suitable for adults and young people aged 16 and over
25€ per evening
Open workshop evening
Friday* from 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm
The open workshop offers everyone the opportunity to continue working on their project. After a short introduction to working independently in Erlenwerk, you can mark your litho stones, print, continue working on your woodcut, book or etching plate. The paper workshop is also available for course participants and the curious. If you have not yet attended a course and would like to try it out, you are cordially invited to get to know the Erlenwerk and its possibilities.
A short registration in advance is desired.
Workshopleader: Ana Pireva
* every Friday from 11 October
15€ pro Abend + Material nach Verbrauch
Foto : Sarah Steuer

Foto : Sarah Steuer
Every third saturday in the month | 10 am - 4 pm
Colourful print graphics in just a few minutes? That sounds like fun! Monotype is one of the fastest and easiest printing processes. Leave your high expectations at home and immerse yourself in the colourful world of printmaking.
Dates: 19.10./ 16.11./ 18.01./ 15.02.
Workshopleader: Ana Pireva
60€ per day
Open Workshopevening
Sundays from 7 pm to 10 pm
In the open workshop on Sundays, you can finish or start things that you didn't manage to do in the course. A completed course serves as a basis for using the open workshop. However, if you already know your way around, you can also work independently with a short introduction. For printing and etching appointments (litho & gravure printing) please register in advance by e-mail, otherwise you can simply come along and work.
Leader: Sarah Steuer
15€ per evening + Material
Frühling & Sommer
Here you can find our course programme for August 2024 to February 2025.
If you are interested in something, you can register by emailing with your name, address and the offer you would like to take part in.
We also offer customised projects, birthdays for adults and children and workshops for groups on request.
Interested? Just click on an offer and go directly to the description of the course...
- Zeit
4 pm - 5:30 pm
Open Workshop - evening
7 pm - 10 pm
From the fibre to the paper
6 pm - 8:30 pm
Kunst - ist - jung
4 pm - 5:30 pm
unendliche GESCHICHTEN & Bücher
3:30 pm - 5 pm
Monotype - Saturday
10 am - 4 pm
Lithography from stone
10:00 am - 1:30 pm
KinderKunstZeit | ab 6 J
Montags* von 16 bis 17:30 Uhr
1â€. ‬Theater Masken bauen†| ‬03.03â€. - ‬24.03â€. (‬4†‬Termineâ€)‬
Du kannst ein Elefant sein oder ein Dracheâ€. ‬Vielleicht aber auch eines deiner Fantasiewesenâ€, ‬eine Königin oder doch ein Papageiâ€?‬†‬In was würdest du dich am Liebsten verwandelnâ€? ‬Die Masken helfen dir dabeiâ€.‬
Zusammen bauen wir deine ganz persönliche Lieblingsmaske†- ‬mit Gipsâ€, ‬Ton und Pappmachéeâ€. ‬
2. Die Radierung und deine Lieblingsgeschichte†| 05.05â€. - ‬23.06â€. (‬8†‬Termineâ€)‬
Du hast schon lange eine Geschichte im Kopfâ€, ‬die du†‬endlich aufschreiben willstâ€? ‬Oder du hast Lust mit Bildern etwas zu erzählenâ€? ‬Geschichten sind wichtig und deine sind es auchâ€! ‬Die Radierung wird die Technik seinâ€, ‬mit der wir arbeiten und die die Zeichnungen deiner Geschichte zu etwas ganz Besonderem machtâ€. ‬Am Ende wirst du eine kleine Auflage gedruckt haben und drei Exemplare†‬deiner Geschichte in der Hand haltenâ€.‬
Preisâ€: ‬143€â€ + ‬48€â€ ‬Material
Workshopleiterin: Käthe Weinmann ​
* Die ersten zwei Termine sind Zeiten zum Kennenlernen
danach nur mit verbindlicher Anmeldung
* Feiertage und Schulferien ausgenommen
15€ x 10 + Material = 150€ + 25€ Material

Foto : Käthe Weinmann
Montags* von 19 bis 22:00 Uhr
Der offene Werkstattabend ist eine Gelegenheitâ€, ‬dem ganz eigenen†‬
Projekt nachzugehenâ€. ‬Wir sind bei Fragen für dich da und helfen dir gerne weiterâ€.‬
Wenn du einen Kurs für eine bestimmte Technik belegt hastâ€, ‬kannst du in dieser Zeit auch die Maschinenâ€, ‬Werkzeuge und Materialien nutzenâ€.‬
Falls du dich schon gut auskennt oder nur eine kurze Einführung in die Werkstatt benötigstâ€, ‬ist das der richtige Zeitpunkt dafürâ€. ‬
‮ ‬Preisâ€: ‬22†‬€â€ ‬pro Werkstattabend†+ ‬Material nach Verbrauch
Leiterin: Käthe Weinmann ​
Nur mit Anmeldung
* Feiertage und Schulferien ausgenommen
Foto : Sarah SteuerÂ
Lithography from stone*
sundays from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm
1. Lithography basics | 13.10. - 1.12. (8 dates) Lithography from stone is the oldest flat printing process. Together we will immerse ourselves in this magical world in which the symbiosis of stone, drawing, printing, grease and water creates a choreography of craftsmanship. We will learn how to transfer an image onto the stone and then simply transform it.
2. Colour Lithography | 05.01.25 - 23.02.25 (7 dates) Lithography in colour - that's where the experimentation begins! The course builds on the introductory course and unfolds a broad spectrum of possibilities of lithography, which can also be quite simple!
Workshop leader: Ana Pireva
* The course is suitable for adults and young people aged 16 and over.

Foto : Ana Pireva
Lithography from stone*
sundays from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm
1. Lithography basics | 13.10. - 1.12. (8 dates) Lithography from stone is the oldest flat printing process. Together we will immerse ourselves in this magical world in which the symbiosis of stone, drawing, printing, grease and water creates a choreography of craftsmanship. We will learn how to transfer an image onto the stone and then simply transform it.
2. Colour Lithography | 05.01.25 - 23.02.25 (7 dates) Lithography in colour - that's where the experimentation begins! The course builds on the introductory course and unfolds a broad spectrum of possibilities of lithography, which can also be quite simple!
Workshop leader: Ana Pireva
* The course is suitable for adults and young people aged 16 and over.
Preis: 21€ + Material nach Verbrauch
Nur mit Anmeldung
Leiterin: Ana Pireva

Foto : Sarah Steuer
Lithography from stone*
sundays from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm
1. Lithography basics | 13.10. - 1.12. (8 dates) Lithography from stone is the oldest flat printing process. Together we will immerse ourselves in this magical world in which the symbiosis of stone, drawing, printing, grease and water creates a choreography of craftsmanship. We will learn how to transfer an image onto the stone and then simply transform it.
2. Colour Lithography | 05.01.25 - 23.02.25 (7 dates) Lithography in colour - that's where the experimentation begins! The course builds on the introductory course and unfolds a broad spectrum of possibilities of lithography, which can also be quite simple!
Workshop leader: Ana Pireva
* The course is suitable for adults and young people aged 16 and over.
Preis: 75€+16€ Material
Workshopleiterin: Ana Pireva *
*Der Kurs ist geeignet für Kinder und Jugendliche ab 11 J

Foto : Ana Pireva
Open Workshopevening
Sundays from 7 pm to 10 pm
In the open workshop on Sundays, you can finish or start things that you didn't manage to do in the course. A completed course serves as a basis for using the open workshop. However, if you already know your way around, you can also work independently with a short introduction. For printing and etching appointments (litho & gravure printing) please register in advance by e-mail, otherwise you can simply come along and work.
Leader: Sarah Steuer
Open Workshop - evening
Monday* from 7 pm to 10 pm
The open workshop evening will be organised on a long-term basis so that everyone can pursue their own project. If you have taken a course for a specific technique, you can also use the machines, tools and materials during this time.
As not many people will have attended our courses at the beginning, there will be a different workshop each time from 19 August to 16 December. Let yourself be surprised and look forward to: Getting to know different book bindings, building boxes, working with paper fibre and papier-mâché, and getting to know different printing techniques.
If you already know your way around or just need a short introduction to the workshop to start working on your project - this is also the right time

Foto : Käthe Weinmann
Open Workshop - evening
Monday* from 7 pm to 10 pm
The open workshop evening will be organised on a long-term basis so that everyone can pursue their own project. If you have taken a course for a specific technique, you can also use the machines, tools and materials during this time.
As not many people will have attended our courses at the beginning, there will be a different workshop each time from 19 August to 16 December. Let yourself be surprised and look forward to: Getting to know different book bindings, building boxes, working with paper fibre and papier-mâché, and getting to know different printing techniques.
If you already know your way around or just need a short introduction to the workshop to start working on your project - this is also the right time

Foto : Sarah Steuer
Open Workshop - evening
Monday* from 7 pm to 10 pm
The open workshop evening will be organised on a long-term basis so that everyone can pursue their own project. If you have taken a course for a specific technique, you can also use the machines, tools and materials during this time.
As not many people will have attended our courses at the beginning, there will be a different workshop each time from 19 August to 16 December. Let yourself be surprised and look forward to: Getting to know different book bindings, building boxes, working with paper fibre and papier-mâché, and getting to know different printing techniques.
If you already know your way around or just need a short introduction to the workshop to start working on your project - this is also the right time

Foto : Sarah Steuer
Open Workshopevening
Sundays from 7 pm to 10 pm
In the open workshop on Sundays, you can finish or start things that you didn't manage to do in the course. A completed course serves as a basis for using the open workshop. However, if you already know your way around, you can also work independently with a short introduction. For printing and etching appointments (litho & gravure printing) please register in advance by e-mail, otherwise you can simply come along and work.
Leader: Sarah Steuer
Offener Werkstattabend
Freitags von 18:00†‬bis 21:00†‬Uhr
Die Offene Werkstatt bietet dir die Möglichkeitâ€, ‬an deinem eigenen Projekt weiterzuarbeitenâ€. ‬Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die†‬selbstständige Arbeit im Erlenwerk kannst du deine Lithosteine bezeichnenâ€, ‬drucken oder an deinen Hochdruckâ€-, ‬Tiefdruckâ€- ‬oder Handeinband-Projekten weiterarbeitenâ€. ‬Zudem steht die Papierwerkstatt für Kursteilnehmer*innen zur Verfügungâ€. ‬
Voraussetzungâ€:‬†‬Eine abgeschlossene Kursteilnahme ist erforderlichâ€. ‬Solltest du noch keinen Kurs bei uns besucht habenâ€, ‬sind Vorkenntnisse in den Werkstätten erwünschtâ€. ‬In diesem Fall bitten wirâ€, ‬dich vorher bei uns zu meldenâ€. ‬Eine kurze Anmeldung vorab ist erforderlichâ€.‬
Preisâ€: ‬21 €â€ ‬pro Abend†+ ‬Material nach Verbrauch
Leiterin: Ana Pireva

Foto : Sarah SteuerÂ
â€1. ‬Experimentaldruckâ€:‬
†Termineâ€: ‬02.03â€. ‬11†‬bis 14†‬Uhr†/ 11.04â€. ‬18†‬bis 21†‬Uhr
Was ist eigentlich Druckgrafikâ€? ‬Und was passiertâ€, ‬wenn ein Blatt Papier durch eine Druckpresse gezogen wirdâ€? ‬In diesem Kurs machen wir die ersten Schritte in die Welt der Druckgrafikâ€. ‬Wir experimentieren mit verschiedenen Materialien und lassen Bilder durch die Presse laufenâ€. ‬Dieser Kurs ist nicht nur für Anfänger*innen geeignetâ€, ‬sondern auch für alleâ€, ‬die erneut ihre Leidenschaft†‬für den Druck entdecken möchtenâ€. ‬Etwa nach einer längeren Pause oder für Handwerker*innen und Künstler*innenâ€, ‬die neue Möglichkeiten in der Druckgrafik entdecken wollenâ€. ‬Lass dich im Austausch bei der Presse von neuen Ideen und Techniken inspirierenâ€!‬
Preisâ€: ‬50€â€ ‬â€+ ‬12€â€ ‬Material
2â€. ‬Papierschöpfenâ€:‬
†‬Termineâ€: ‬09.03â€. ‬11†‬bis 14†‬Uhr†/ ‬23.05â€. 18†‬bis 21†‬Uhr
Lerne die Grundlagen der Papierherstellung und erhalte einen spannenden Einblick in den kreativen Prozessâ€. ‬Schöpfe dein eigenes†‬Papier und entdeckeâ€, ‬wie meditativ dieses Handwerk sein kannâ€. ‬Dieser Kurs ist auch die ideale Grundlageâ€, ‬wenn du Interesse an den Einsteiger-Workshops für Pulp-Paintingâ€, ‬Japan-Papier und Paper-Modeling hast
Preisâ€: ‬50€â€ ‬â€+ ‬17€â€ ‬Material
3â€. ‬Briefumschläge selbst machenâ€:‬
†‬Termineâ€: ‬23.03â€. ‬11†‬bis 14†‬Uhr†/ ‬30.05â€. ‬18†‬bis 21†‬Uhr
Gestalte ganz besondere Einladungen für dein Event oder verleihe deinen selbstgeschöpften Papieren eine persönliche Noteâ€! ‬In diesem Workshop machst du deine eigenen Briefumschläge und verschönerst sie mit kreativen Designs und Farbenâ€. ‬
Preisâ€: ‬50€â€ ‬â€+ ‬17€â€ ‬Material
4â€. ‬Linoldruckâ€:‬
†‬Termineâ€: ‬30.03â€. ‬11†‬bis 14†‬Uhr†/ ‬30.05â€. ‬18†‬bis 21†‬Uhr
Jetzt ist der perfekte Moment ein Ex Libris Stempel für deine Bücher zu entwerfenâ€, ‬oder dein Lieblingsmotiv zu schnitzenâ€.
‬Gestalte deine Linolplatte und ziehe sie durch die Druckpresseâ€! ‬
Preisâ€: ‬42€â€ ‬â€+ ‬12€â€ ‬Material
Workshopleiterin: Ana Pireva
*Alle Workshops sind für Erwachsene und Jugendliche ab 16 J geeignet

Foto : Ana Pireva
Open Workshopevening
Sundays from 7 pm to 10 pm
In the open workshop on Sundays, you can finish or start things that you didn't manage to do in the course. A completed course serves as a basis for using the open workshop. However, if you already know your way around, you can also work independently with a short introduction. For printing and etching appointments (litho & gravure printing) please register in advance by e-mail, otherwise you can simply come along and work.
Leader: Sarah Steuer

Foto : Sarah Steuer
Open Workshopevening
Sundays from 7 pm to 10 pm
In the open workshop on Sundays, you can finish or start things that you didn't manage to do in the course. A completed course serves as a basis for using the open workshop. However, if you already know your way around, you can also work independently with a short introduction. For printing and etching appointments (litho & gravure printing) please register in advance by e-mail, otherwise you can simply come along and work.
Leader: Sarah Steuer
Preis: 200€ + 21€ Material
Workshopleiterin: Sarah Steuer

Foto : Sarah SteuerÂ
Hast du Lust bekommen einen Kurs im Erlenwerk zu besuchen?
Melde dich jetzt per Mail an über !
Wir freuen uns auf dich.
Sagen Ana, Sarah und Käthe